WFDB, as a consortium partner in the SHAPES Project, published last March its 2nd Global Report focusing on the situation of persons with deafblindness, and includes Good Practices and Recommendations for their inclusion.

In it, two Case Studies extracted from the SHAPES Project have been included which can be summarized as:

The Participation of Persons with Deafblindness in Mainstream Programmes: Lessons from the EU-Funded SHAPES Project (Page 80)

Story of Alegría, an older woman with deafblindness from the Canary Islands, shares lessons on the role of assistive devices and accessible technology (based on a SHAPES Story: The Red and White Cane: Obstacles and Barriers) (Page 66)

The full report and an executive summary are available in English, Spanish and French, and in multiple accessible formats (plain version, international sign, easy to read, large print, etc.)., and can be accessed here.

The report was partly funded by the SHAPES project which receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under grant agreement No 857159.