Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Clinica Humana, PAL Robotics, SciFY, Vicomtech and Tree Technology joined forces and participated in the “ 14th PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA) conference that was virtually conducted between the 29th of June and 1st of July 2021.

Partners presented their work in the “1st International Workshop on Innovative technological solutions for PAin and MEntal health issues (PAME)” focusing on demonstrating the importance of assistive technologies for the support of wellbeing of older adults.

LLM Care Health and Social Care Ecosystem for Cognitive and Physical Training Use Case was discussed in the context of Pilot Theme 2 ” Improving In-Home and Community based Care”. The Integrated Healthcare System LLM Care acts as a holistic framework by integrating the desktop-based app Talk and Play and the mobile app NewSum aiming to provide older adults with effective protection against cognitive decline and physical deterioration, support their communication, independence level and improve their overall quality of life.

Cognitive tasks robots Use Case was also discussed within the context of the Pilot Theme 4 “Psycho-social and Cognitive Stimulation Promoting Wellbeing”. ARI, a high-performance robotic platform designed for a wide range of multimodal expressive gestures and behaviour, incorporates the Adilib chatbot framework and DiAnoia and Memor-I in order to guide and motivate older adults during personalized cognitive training and increase motivation and engagement. Additionally, ARI will incorporate an emotion recognition module that will determine different emotional states of users during interactions with the robotic system face recognition solution for heterogeneous IoT platforms, namely FACECOG, which allows for the recognition of person identity.

Overall, the PETRA2021 conference provided a great opportunity for interaction and exchange of valuable knowledge and insights on the development of digital solutions aiming at the support and maintenance of healthy and independent living for older adults.

Find more information about the PETRA2021 conference: Click here!

Learn more about SHAPES digital technologies: Click here!