Dr. Sotiria Palioura
Dr. Sotiria Palioura is a US-trained Surgeon Ophthalmologist based in Athens, Greece. She also holds the positions of Adjunct Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at Yale School of Medicine and Voluntary Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute.
Diane Whitehouse
Since 2008, Diane Whitehouse has focused on areas including policy development and stakeholder engagement in digital health and digital innovation. Diane is a social scientist whose work is centred on the social, organisational, and ethical aspects of ICT. Today, she is EHTEL’s Principal eHealth Policy Analyst. Through EHTEL, she is involved in a number of digitally health-related European projects, such as Digital Health Europe, SCIROCCOExchange, and vCare.

Kara Mackenzie
Kara Mackenzie provides support to the Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre project portfolio, with a focus on approved projects, including 2 EU funded projects, TITTAN and NWE CHANCE. Kara keeps track of project progress, milestones and provides network updates to ensure that all projects run smoothly. The Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre is unique in its ability to bring together world leading industry and academic expertise and direct their efforts towards real-world challenges in caring for people’s health and wellbeing.
Prof. Liat Ayalon
Prof. Ayalon is a clinical psychologist and a researcher in the school of social work at Bar Ilan University, Israel. She is the coordinator of a Marie Curie ITN Ph.D. program in the field of ageism (EuroAgeism.eu). Her research covers the topics of ageism as well as home care and long-term care services for older people.

Klaus Niederländer
Klaus Niederländer is currently the Director of the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Association, an international public-public partnership of national and regional Health, Innovation & Research Ministries/Funding Agencies from 19 countries (mainly in Europe plus North America and Asia). This support programme focuses on active & healthy ageing with support of digital-based solutions.
Caroline Costongs
Caroline Costongs is Director of EuroHealthNet, the European Partnership for improving health, social equity and wellbeing, based in Brussels. Caroline leads a multi-disciplinary team working on European Union and (sub)national policy, advocacy, research and capacity building. Caroline has a strong international background with 25+ years of public health and health promotion experience. Her areas of work include health inequalities, healthy and active ageing, (digital) health literacy, integrated, community based services, sustainability and healthy living environments.

Michael Wendt
Michael Wendt is an anaesthesiologist who has been chair of the department at the University of Greifswald following the reunification of Germany in the years 1992 to 2014. Beside reestablishment of modern medicine, he build up a new university hospital. His focus lied on processes and process management and opening the hospital to the region based on advanced technologies and processes independent from the hospital. Retirement brought Michael Wendt to supporting health organizations shifting to digital concepts.
Gianni D’Errico
Gianni D’Errico (m) MPol, EMBA Laureate: is International & Strategic Project Officer at Toscana Life Sciences, the main regional player in the biomedical field and policy support in Tuscany Region.

Dr. Henrique Martins
Henrique Martins, MD, PhD, MLaw, FIAHSI is Associate Professor in Health Management, Leadership and Digital Health at FCS-UBI, ISCTE-IUL. He is the past co-chair of the eHealth Network and was president of SPMS, Portugal’s Digital Health Agency for about 7 years. He is now co-leading ISCTE-HEALTH, member of several advisory boards, and member of the Board of Directors of HL7 Europe Foundation. He works as academic and providing independent consultancy in Digital health to International Organizations and Projects.
Sarah Bowman
Sarah Bowman is Director of Strategic Engagement and Impact Assessment within the Office of the Dean of Research at Trinity College Dublin in Ireland. Sarah facilitates engaged research for societal impact, assisting governments, community service organizations, research institutions, corporate partners, and advocates in working together to improve health, social and environmental outcomes. Between 2017 and 2020, she served as programme director of the Health Research Board-Irish Research Council Ignite Office at Trinity College, advancing public and patient involvement in health research.

Soo Hun
Soo Hun is the Innovation & Digital Eco-system Lead for Digital Health & Care Northern Ireland (DHCNI). She has more than 30 years’ experience in ICT, half of which with health & social care NI delivering projects aimed at providing better quality and more effective care to patients, service users and carers through the innovative use of digital technology and data. She also has been involved in a number of EU projects covering a wide range of clinical and non-clinical areas.
Sirpa Pietikäinen
Sirpa Pietikäinen is a Finnish member of the European People’s Party (EPP) in the European Parliament since 2008. She is a former Finnish Minister of Environment (1991-1995). Her career at the Finnish parliament is extensive, ranging from the year 1983 to 2003. At the European Parliament, Ms. Pietikäinen is a member of the Women’s Right and Gender Equality Committee and the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee as well as a substitute member of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee. A graduate from the Helsinki School of Economics, Ms. Pietikäinen holds MSc in Business, and teaches university courses on negotiations theory and practices. She is active in several organisations, her positions of trust including Chairmanship of Mieli, Mental Health of Finland.

John McGory
An advocate of accessibility to technology and education for all. The extended lifespan is a reality and is happening, so let’s create an environment where it is a healthier, happier and an affordable quality of life with greater dignity.