Covid-19: Keeping the European Citizens Healthy is a SHAPES Priority
We at SHAPES want to ensure that you and your family and friends are keeping safe during this time.
SHAPES project aims to create an open Ecosystem enabling the large-scale deployment of digital solutions for healthy and independent living addressed to older individuals who face reduced functionality and capabilities. The outbreak of COVID-19, a new form of coronavirus, and its rapid spread around the world has obviously required the project partners to make rapid decisions to keep everyone safe and healthy.
The SHAPES project has put on hold all face-to-face activities, including those involving older persons at all of its 15 pilot sites in 10 EU Member States.
The SHAPES consortium encourages everyone to follow the guidance of the World Health Organisation and government measures taken in our respective countries. For reliable information about the pandemic, please visit only trusted sources among which:
European Commission (available in all EU languages)
European Centre for Disease Control
World Health Organisation (available in different languages), including:
WHO recommendation how to maintain good mental health during COVID-19
Coronavirus and older people in Europe (from our partner AGE Platform Europe)