KOMPAÏ Robotics participated in the Adinberri conference which took place in San Sebastian on 27 of January 2022. During this event, KOMPAÏ Robotics were able to present the SHAPES robot.


The Adinberri Foundation of the Provincial Council, responsible for the promotion of the innovative strategy at the service of healthy ageing, has unveiled this Wednesday avant-garde business initiatives that come to respond to the needs detected among an increasingly ageing population. The presentation took place at the Gipuzkoa Chamber of Commerce during the Silver is a gold event, aimed at professionals in the social and healthcare sector, administrations and third sector organisations.


The partner presented the Kompaï robot and the work done for the SHAPES project and demonstrated the robot. This demonstration was followed by a question and answer session from several participants.


Interesting contacts were made during the event which could lead to sales (about 10 serious contacts were collected).


To know more about this event, Click here!